by Aviva Blumstein | Uncategorized
If you’re looking to give a meaningful Bar or Bat Mitzvah gift or even to give a special supplement a regular Bar or Bat Mitzvah gift this is a fantastic opportunity. Equally, Bar or Bat Mitzvah kids may be looking to donate part of their “earnings”...
by Aviva Blumstein | Uncategorized
We asked the Bar and Bat Mitzvah project specialists (Areyvut) for some tips to choose a Bar/Bat Mitzvah project, and how to integrate the project into the Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebration. This is what they told us: Tips for Choosing a Mitzvah Project Preparing for your...
by Aviva Blumstein | Uncategorized
By participating in a Bar and Bat Mitzvah service project, you are given the chance to make a real difference in people’s lives. You can give back to your community or the world at large in any number of ways including volunteering, using meaningful centerpieces,...