Why I Became A Writer

There are a few concrete reasons that I decided to take my path and become a writer. Some of them are more personal, and others tend to lean on the side of professional interests and helping individuals express themselves. I’m taking this opportunity to write a short and personal blog post in hopes of both inspiring and enlightening individuals aspiring to become writers. Plus, I think everyone sort of wonders why someone has taken a talent or passion and turned it into a profession.

The Power of Words in Writing

Every day we communicate with each other. Some days, it’s under positive circumstances, and other days it’s just to get things done. Ultimately, words are what connects our inner thoughts to the outside world.

Human nature demands that we all communicate on some level, and we all have an inherent need to be heard and hear. Every person wants and needs to be understood. Each of us want our inner worlds to be seen and recognized by others. To be able to communicate in a way that bonds our private self to the public domain is part of what makes us human. With writing, some have the freedom to express more clearly what they can’t say verbally.

When we write we create a form of permanency to our thoughts, giving them a place to be safe, stable, and shared with anyone. If we journal, we can also look back on our thoughts and see our own personal growth from one stage of life. Writing speeches in particular gives everyone a chance to share feelings that if spoken spontaneously might come out the wrong way. Writing can be a guide for each of us in so many ways.

Wordsmithing: Playing With Words

Ever wonder why everyone loves playing Scrabble so much? There’s something incredibly satisfying about playing with letters to create words. Now take that phenomenon and multiply it times ten when it comes to playing with a bunch of words.

Playing with words is more than just fun. It can be a challenge to find expression in the most expressive way and one that feels like you wear those words comfortably. Language is so playful that there are names for the amazing sounds that words that make that resemble noises. Like emphasizing the S at the beginning of the word snake – onematepia. Or when you run a few words back to back that start with the same letter – alliteration.

But even more interesting is that words can compell others to feel and react.
Words can feel like a warm hug or a sharp knife. We can use them to achieve goals or destroy them. We can make people laugh, cry, silent, scream, sell and buy, and so much more. What’s more, think of how amazing it is that just one word on its own has its own meaning or intent, and when surrounded by others a whole new meaning of the word can be formed in context. The magic of playing with words is truly remarkable. Historically storytelling has been a part of every single culture and religion.

And as I already mentioned, expressing ourselves orally is absolutely necessary, sometimes it’s not possible. That’s precisely when writing conquers.

The Magic of A Monologue: Uninterrupted Thought in Writing

Writing one’s thoughts means you can uninterruptedly get your message out. No heckling, no argument, no disruption! Bliss. Sometimes in the spur of the moment not only do we lack the right words to say what we mean and mean what we say, but nerves and emotions take over. When we write we can just get all of our thoughts out fluidly.

Words Build Relationships

Lastly, writing has been a great way for me to connect with people and give them a voice. Part of what I do as a speech writer is allow individuals to build relationships with their audience. Inherently, I’m lucky to then build relationships with them and understand who they are, how they think, and what they really want to say and share with their crowd. What moves them? What matters to them? It’s a chance for me to give any person, shy or confident, a real voice to their feelings and ideas. And for that I am truly grateful.

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